Thursday, July 10, 2014

Guest Heart Thursday #217

Welcome to Guest Heart Thursday -
A Place to Share YOUR Heart!

Hello again, friends.  This is big sister Beth posting for Clytie.  She is still not feeling well.  I would appreciate your prayers for healing in her neck and arm.  She is in a lot of pain.  It is not easy to watch my sweet Sis suffer.

So, I went on a heart search and found a wonderful website, Slow Mom.  The last entry was a heart scavenger hunt.  Below is a sampling of the wonderful hearts I saw.

As always - a huge thank you to all who found hearts last week. I can't wait for you to link up today ... and show everyone the amazing hearts you found in your world this week!!!
Would you like to share your heart on Guest Heart Thursday?
The rules are easy ...
There are none!!!
As long as your post includes a heart!
If you have found a heart (or drawn a heart, or designed a heart, or written a heart-felt poem, or just found something that touches your heart, or ...), please join us for Guest Heart Thursday. Just link the URL of your heart post to "Simply Linked"! It would be nice if you linked back to Random Hearts ... but it's okay not to ... we just want to see your hearts!
Simply Linked for Guest Heart Thursday is now open all week!

Have you found more than one heart?
Put in more than one link!
Is your heart from a long time ago?
It doesn't matter, as long as you put the direct URL to that post!  


Beth Niquette said...

Hey, SissyBoo--I sure do miss you. I'm praying for your healing with all of my heart. I know there are folks all over the world who are praying for you, too. Happy GHT!

TexWisGirl said...

those are beautiful hearts! get better, clytie!

Laura said...

prayers and reiki offered to our dear Clytie. The photos you put up are fantastic! I love the teeny tiny stone heart, wow!

Debbie said...

Hi Clytie, I hope you see this and know that I am thinking of you!! I am sending you a big, warm, hug from the jersey shore!! I walked the shoreline the other day and thought of you, how much you would have enjoyed walking with me!

I hope you are feeling better, living in pain really sucks!! xo